The re are over 300 species of Pigeon distributed throughout the continents.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Columbiformes
Family Clolumbidae
Genus Columba
he re are over 300 species of Pigeon distributed throughout the continents. The following are part of our collection: Torcaz, Gazy, Guinea, Black and White Fan Tail, Capuchin, Widows, Satins, Shoes, Nuremberg Calhandra.
Columbidae, originally game species, are small and medium-sized birds, with short necks, beaks and legs, which feed on grass seeds and other herbaceous plants and fruits at ground level. The couple gets together during the breeding season and build non sophisticated nests, where they hatch two to three white eggs. On average, they live up to 15 years.
Some species can reach, in flight, speeds up to 80 km / hand distances up to 315 km. They have the best sense of orientation of all birds, and in fact, the best orientation skills of the entire animal kingdom, being able to locate their nests and/or other pigeons more than 1000 km away. They can also detect sounds farther than any other animal.
Their stomach usually contains sand which helps them grind the food. They provide squabs with the so-called ''dove milk'', produced from the gizzards of both parents. Diluted in water, it is the only food the squabs have in the first days of life. Afterwards, their diets are enriched with semi-digested seeds that the parents regurgitate directly in the young’s crop.
They are very territorial birds during the breeding season. As a sign of mating, pigeons peck each other and eventually become a monogamous couple. The nuptial parade consists of a dance presented by the male to please the female. When the female lays the eggs, they are hatched by both to give rise to new squabs. They are born completely blind, but they quickly evolve. They stay with their parents for approximately 32 days, afterwards, they start flying and leave the nest. When this happens, the couples start hatching more eggs.
The Canary, also called the Canary of the Kingdom, is originally from the Azores, Madeira and Canary Islands.
The Wood Duck is a species of duck native to the swampy areas of the east coast of the United States of America.
The Whistling Duck, or Dendrocisne bicolor, owes its name to the calls in the form of an acute whistle that are heard when it feeds, rests or flies.
Originally from East Asia, this quail started to be raised in captivity by the Japanese, who liked to hear its singing.
The Golden Pheasant or Chinese Pheasant is native to the forests and the mountainous areas of Western China.
The Ghigi Pheasant or Canary Pheasant is a mutation of the Golden Pheasant and is very similar to it. It has more discreet plumage that is bright yellow, hence the name Canary.
The Lady Amherst Pheasant is originally from the mountains of southwest China. The name Amherst, is a tribute to the Countess Sarah Windsor Amherst.
O Faisão Versicolor ou Faisão Verde Japonês é uma ave nativa do Arquipélago do Japão onde é endémica. É a ave nacional do Japão.
The Cape Barren Goose, commonly called Cereopsis, is a large goose originally from southern Australia.
The Canada Goose is one of the most well-known birds of North America. It is found allover the US and Canada, at different times of the year.
The Nothern Pintail is a duck of similar size to the Mallard, measuring from 60 to 70 cm in length and weighing between 735 and 1030 grams.
The Mallard is an anseriforme bird that inhabits temperate and subtropical areas of North America, Europe and Asia.
The Black-shouldered Indian Peafowl is distinguished from the Royal or Blue Peacock, in that it does not have streaked shoulders.
The Royal Peacock, also known as the Blue, Indian or Common Peacock, is originally from the Indian Subcontinent.
The Ruddy Shelduck is a large omnivorous duck of 58 to 70 cm in length and with a wingspan of 110 to 135 cm.
The Black-bellied Whistling Duck, formerly called the Black-bellied Tree Duck, owes its name to the fact that in autumn it often rests on trees.