The Hedgehog is easily recognizable by its spines, which cover the entire body except the snout and belly.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Erinaceomorpha
Family Erinaceidae
Genus Erinaceus
Species E. europaeus
he Hedgehog is easily recognizable by its spines, which cover the entire body except the snout and belly. Spines are modified hairs which mobility is controlled by the muscles. When the hedgehog feels threatened, he curls himself, hiding the exposed parts of his body, such as the belly, the limbs and the head, becoming a “spike ball”, quite difficult to penetrate.
There is no sexual dimorphism however, the main difference is that the males have intra-abdominal testicles and a penis, while the female has a vagina and five pairs of nipples or teats. Adult animals weigh an average of 700 grams, and this value can vary between 400 and 1200 grams.The average longevity is 3 years but they can live up to 10 years.
The hedgehog is an active animal, mainly at dusk and during the night. The hedgehog is omnivorous but predominantly insectivorous, that is, its diet mostly includes small insects, wild fruits, seeds, earthworms, snails, birds' eggs (from nests that are builtin the soil) or even small frogs and reptiles. The hedgehog can travel 1-3km per night looking for food. When inhabiting cold areas, the hedgehogs hibernate, using a hole that they dig in the ground. Hedgehog hibernation occurs fromNovember to March.
Hedgehogs mate only once a year. The female builds a nest with feathers and straws wheres he will raise her litter alone. The gestation period lasts 35 days, with 2 to6 offspring being born. The crias are born blind, white in color and with a relative weight of 10 to 25 g
The Guinea Fowl, "Pet Speckled Hen" or "Original Fowl" originated from Africa, and they are a very nervous birds.
We prioritize the Portuguese breeds, the Pedrês, the Black, the White and the Yellow, but we have many more.
O Pato Mudo é uma ave originária da América Central e do Sul, onde foi domesticada pelas culturas indígenas.
The American Wild Turkey, as the name implies, is a bird native to North America and the heaviest member of the Galliformes.